Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Transhumanism: are we there yet?

It's hard to notice all the miracles that we have around us,  some of the most useful things are simple, like pockets. My life would be a mess every time I leave my house with out pockets. A life without pockets is one of the many things a lot of women do that I just wouldn't have the strength or patience for.

We live in a world where more and more people travel around with the internet in their pocket. Many of us have a digital identity separate from ourselves on blogs, social networks, video games or forums (I have at least one of each.) Sites like Wikipedia operate as a collective mind to create more useful information then people twenty years ago could imagine. People have grown new trachea and bladders out of patients cells and those patients are walking around today with those new parts in them. There are completely deaf people who have been given back some form of hearing with cochlear implants, similar things are being done with blind patients. Japanese tech companies and US defense contractors are building exoskeletons that increase the strength of the user over ten times and they are coming out with new ones every other year that blow the last line out of the water, and those are just the ones they are showing us now.

This growth is exponential in every field of science. If we invest in the rite technology's we could see a world 30-50 years from now where impossible things are ordinary. The move of multitouch screens from some cool thing I saw on a TED talk to the backbone of a world changing device (the smartphone) was incredibly fast. Medical research is funded in all the wrong ways, if the focus was on improving lives and curing disease we could be decades ahead of where we are now. Science and medicine are constantly exploited for greed and war, yet we cheer for joy when they give us some technology they have been monopolizing on for years.

Evolution is so 400,000BC ever since then, technology has been calling the shots not genetic superiority. The more technologically advanced your society is the higher your chances of living. It was proven in many cases when civilizations met for the first time.

This new technological evolution has been going on at an exponential rate. What started with controlling fire 400,000 years ago, became stone weapons 100,000 years ago, then 11,000 years for bows and 6,000 for the wheel, continues now with More's law and stem cell research. The rate of advancement has gotten to a very hopeful point for humanity where we can become more than human. It is only a matter of time for technology to become a part of nearly everything we do, I could argue that it has for most of us. Humanity can only slow this down if it chooses to but I would rather move on to a truly higher state as long as I am still "me."

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