Tuesday, January 10, 2012

A serioius gripe with dark energy

     OK so I watch a ton of PBS NOVA and TED talks. One of my favorite subjects is cosmology. A few weeks ago I was watching "The Fabric of the Cosmos: Universe or Multiverse?"  and something in the intro fused together an idea that was brewing on. Dark energy would be much easier to explain as the forces of gravity from other universes in a level one or level two multiverse acting on our own universe.

     "Wait," you ask. "What do you mean by a type one or two multiverse?" Simple, there are 4 levels of proposed multiverses. When most people think of a multiverse they are usually thinking of a level three.

     A level one multiverse would be one where there are many big bangs in our 3 dimension space. so out there 50 billion light years away there could be a universe but we won't see it unless it is roughly 50 billion light years old. Since we can't even see the edge of our own universe who's to say it isn't rite next to another one? We could be in a sea of big bangs that could go on to infinity.

     A level two multiverse is similar to a level one but each universe would be in it's own bubble of space and you could only travel from one to the other through another dimension. I like to think that space is made up of something, if that is true then that "something" could be the bubble that we are in. So there could be another bubble sitting rite next to us, even less then 13.7 billion light years away, but we can't see it because it's light can't travel through the gap of space between our universe or theirs.

     A level three multiverse would be multiple universe layered on the same three dimensional space but skewed slightly on other dimensions. This is like Sliders or Stargate, it says that everything that could happen does happen in other dimensions even the smallest changes like a thought you just had could be spawning new universes where the decision you made was different. Scientists can't pinpoint where an electron should be and this theory says that it is everywhere and nowhere at once until it is observed.

     Finally we have a level four multiverse says that there are an infinite number of mathematical structures that are all universes. So any form or shape that you could make up with pure mathematics is a model of a universe and each has it's own laws of physics that is described by its mathematical shape.

   Now why wouldn't scientists look at the sudden acceleration of our universes expansion as a way to explain one or all of these theories? If there are level one multiverses, or even level two multiverses couldn't their gravitational forces effect us? Wouldn't this explain the sudden expansion of space a lot more elegantly then saying that space is bunching up and pushing matter out as it accumulates? I find it much easier to believe that the matter in our universe simply got so spread out that the gravitational forces outside our big bang are now more powerful then the center of the event.

    Sure, there may not be any math to back it up but I would say that most of the math in theoretical cosmology is shaky at best. Couldn't someone make up some bullshit set of equations that would explain dark energy with level 1 or level 2 multiverses? I just can't accept that 70% of the forces in our universe are being explained as forces that go against all of the natural laws we have discovered so far. I can deal with dark matter weighing 5x more then all the matter in the universe, space has to weigh something if you ask me, but saying that the majority of everything is a strange new force that gives the finger to all we know about physics just seems like lazy science to me.

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